About a year ago, because of COVID and some building delays, we had a backlog of approved homebuyers and temporarily stopped accepting new home applications. But now, I am happy to say we have worked through our backlog of approved homebuyers (# 233 should close this week and celebrate New Year’s Eve in her new home)! Finally, we are preparing to reopen the application process.
This time, though, we will do it a bit differently, and we think do it better. We will require those interested to attend an orientation session (no longer than one hour) before they receive an application to fill out. This way, they fully understand the process, the requirements and the timeline of Habitat homeownership before they spend a great deal of effort assembling their application packet.
For example, someone might realize the process is not a “quick fix” to their current situation or they might realize they make too much or too little income based on their family size. We can answer questions and perhaps even help them access other resources.
There will be four orientation sessions from which to choose the week of January 10 - 14. One session will be Zoom and the others in person in the meeting room of our administration offices at 6700 S. University. All four are at different times of day, too, in the hopes one of the sessions will work for everyone.
Tuesday, January 10, 4 p.m., on Zoom
Tuesday, January 10, 5:30 p.m., at the Little Rock ReStore
Wednesday, January 11, at noon, at the Little Rock ReStore
Saturday, January 14, 10 a.m., at the Little Rock ReStore
Following the week of orientation sessions, we will open the application window from January 16 - Feb. 22. If you or someone you know might be interested, contact Manuela Catic, manager of Homeowner Services, at 501.251.6757 to reserve your spot or get the Zoom link.
It’s an exciting time for us because we know the difference an affordable, decent home can mean to families. Make no mistake: together, we (and I mean YOU donors and volunteers, plus our staff and homebuyers) build homes, community and hope.