Six new homebuyers approved!

The new year is off to a great start here at Habitat for Humanity of Central Arkansas. It's my pleasure to report to you each month on all our activity that's made possible by the support of friends like you.
Just yesterday morning our board approved SIX new homebuyers! There was palpable joy in the office that afternoon as several of them came in to quickly sign their Partnership Agreements.
You may recall we had multiple homebuyer orientation sessions in January and more than 125 interested persons attended. Many chose not to apply at this time and some realized they didn’t meet the application criteria. Of the six new homebuyers, two of them had applied before and worked hard to improve their situation and their application. Yay!
Also yesterday, two of our new homes in the Baring Cross neighborhood of North Little Rock received their C.O. or Certificate of Occupancy! We will close on those in the coming days and two new homebuyers will move into their very first home.
Good news abounds here at Habitat and we give you, our friends and supporters, heaps of gratitude.
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